12 July 2022

Review: NORTAVLAGGH.377 - Demo 2021

NORTAVLAGGH.377 - “Demo 2021”
Bestially cruel and devastating! This is enough to conclude what NORTAVLAGGH.377 (or usually abbreviated to NH.377) delivered via the 3-track Demo 2021, a release that is said to be a continuation to the previous Demo 2020. I have known Z:c4 (also known as Zirkelloch) since his work with Kibosh Sybil Kismet / KSK. If his old band is more into atmospheric Death / Doom Metal, NH.377 is brought far more extreme and savage! It is a war-like Black/Death atrocity full of revenge and hatred. This may seem like following in the footsteps of their compatriot in Singapore, Impiety and Infernal Execrator to be exact, but I’d rather put NH.377 on its own Black/Death perspective. Musically explosive - atomic loud sound, bullet-fast guitar riffs, at certain times entwined with killer mid-pace division, hell-thrashing drum bombings, deadly raging vocals - enforcing all the skulls and bones shatter into pieces. NH.377 is undoubtedly an apocalypse of total destruction, beware of its infinite threats!…