7 January 2021


Both band from Mexico. “Metanoia” is truly a nice and pleasant split release, meeting up two bands with different genres. The CD released in December 2020 under Jacs Prods. AISLACIÓN is a project started in the early 2016 by two ex-members from a band called A Naked Soul which was active in the years of 1993 to 1997. Their musicstyle can be described as Doom Rock; integrating the elements of Doom Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal and Stoner Rock. Aislación sounds tight and remarkable with 5 tracks; Love & Fear, The Thunder, High Chambers, Hombre De La Aurora, and Yesod (instrumental). LOBEZNATOR with 3 tracks; Initiation, Sulphur Blooded, and Egolistical Doctrine / Outro sounds really merciless. Formed in 2017, they are musically hateful and blasphemous Black Metal with fast and sharp riffs. Lobeznator is extremely aggressive and insane! All in all, this Split CD not only offers varieties, but also great quality in music and sound production. Check it out, immediately! (Email jacsprods@gmail.com for further information)