29 September 2022


ONION TERROR (UK) / HORDA CANNIBAL (Mexico) - “Human Stew” Split 2022
Are you looking for some sick noisy stuff? If that’s what you seek, then I won’t hesitate to recommend this one… a split entitled “Human Stew” under the conspiracy of Onion Terror (from York, UK) and Horda Cannibal (from Campeche, Mexico). This is sick, sicker and even sickest rotten music to feed your greedy needs! The split has started with 7 tracks from Onion Terror, some new songs and re-recorded some covers. Extremely fast, short and in-your-face rawgrind / noise-to-the-core with heartbreaking screams from this 2-piece grindcore outfit. The remaining 5 tracks from Horda Cannibal where they decided to use the recording made by streaming Indie Fest Sauvage (in November 2021). Relentless heavy and brutal putrefying goregrind with cutthroat guttural voices. “Human Stew” is almost 27 minutes of insane, stinky and notorious sense of humor.