27 September 2020

Review: DECIUS - Prepare To Die

DECIUS - Prepare To Die (CD 2020)
When talking about Singapore’s extreme metal legendaries, it’s not only about Abhorer or Impiety. There are a lot others, Profancer / Beheaded Nasrani (later changed to Profanation), Debauchery (now known as Eibon), Libation / Itnos, Nuctemeron, Stukas… just to name a few. DECIUS is one of them. My first experience with Decius was through a split-tape called BlackWinds Trivelation (also featuring their countrymates, Hail and Requiem). It was long time ago, in which the tape has been released in 1999. After that, I barely heard this name anymore, or maybe I was the one who overlooked about a compilation release that was released about 10 years ago. DECIUS through this album, “Prepare To Die” CD 2020 released by Vrykoblast Production, is absolutely wicked. Chaotically brutal in music and sinister in term of sound. Containing of 9 tracks including an outro; it’s approximately 30 minutes of warcult armageddon, blasphemous and hateful Black Metal. Rapid riffs and high-speed beats dominate in total, and the vocals abominate all, mercilessly. I believe that Decius and their masterpiece “Prepare To Die” will be a perfect fit for Blasphemy and Impaled Nazarene fans. To conclude it, this is pure fuckin’ holocaust. Fear the apocalypse!