20 August 2021

Review: XIRROSSIX - Latinoamérica - Reedición 2020

XIRROSSIX - Latinoamérica - Reedición 2020 (Tape) 
Raw, heavy and true old-school! This is the proper definition I can give for Thrash Metal presented by Xirrossix. “Latinoamérica” was originally released in 1992, but re-issued in 2020 after the band re-united recently. The original songs have been re-recorded with a much better sound, and this ‘reedición’ version has also re-included songs from the old tape. You can hear quite clearly that the band from Pico Truncado (Argentina) has been more advanced in terms of sound production, tighter and more solid skills, while maintaining the elemental Thrash Metal essences that have been their trademark since they existed in the 90s scene. This is Latin American Thrash that tears your soul apart!